Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Goals

Well, I started my year off by making small goals to accomplish in January, knowing myself well enough to know how fool-hardy lofty resolutions are. Having completed my January goals, I sit here on the first day of February and reassess.

So, here are my goals for February...

1. Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week. I hesitate to even write that down because I find it so intimidating.

2. Create a plan to get all credit card debt paid off by the end of May. There's no way I can feel financial security with it looming (even if it isn't a lot.)

3. Finish Hot, Flat and Crowded and A Year in the World this month. I'm feeling the need for a little non-fiction.

4. Celebrate Valentine's Day. Not just say "we should do something for Valentine's Day" but actually do something.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nadia,

    I was just wasting some time on facebook and found your blog. So good to read about your family and see your pictures.I wanted to let you know that I have had the same exercise goal as you in the new year and got Jilliam Michaels 30 day shred dvd (she is the trainer on biggest loser) it is a 20 minute work out and is really really good. It have done is 5 days in a row...which is really good for me. I would really recommend it.

    -Sara Kennedy
