Monday, January 5, 2009


One of the great things about living just outside of New York City is the opportunity it presents to dress up and spend the day watching amazing people who must have amazing lives doing what must be amazing things. Last week, I threw on my gorgeous new coat, grabbed my sweet seven year old and in we went to see the Nutcracker. Now, for some reason, whenever I take her into the city, our entire trip becomes about finding bathrooms. So, we headed into Barnes & Noble to their second floor bathroom, right next to the kids book section. As I stood there waiting for her to finish up, I noticed a woman staring at me. I naturally thought "it's 'cause my coat is SO CUTE!" She then rushed up to me and said "you're having a boy, I can always tell." I found myself stammering something about "no, I'm not pregnant, the baby's at home tonight...." then to realize that the "baby" is almost 2. How long does it count as baby weight? Needless to say, I've been buttoning up that cute coat a lot more since then. Ouch.

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